To You Tangle 2021 終わりに
I got a badly strained back . I could do NOTHING almost a week. It was sooo hard.
Someone said that Acupuncture treatment is good. I have keep getting acupuncture in a week. it getting better day by day. I really gratitude to my health.
June is coming to an end. The last prompt in To You Tangle 2021 was from Emiko Egami CZT. Rose bouquet.
美しいPDFにまとめられた提案集は世界中のタングラーに興味を持っていただいて、Facebook グループのメンバーは1600人を超えました。
To You Tangle was the very first worldwide event from Japanese CZTs.
23Japanese CZTs + someone who helped us to translate into English, we all cooperated in one's specialty. We made 16 prompts into a beautiful PDF.
Tanglers in the world have interesting to this event. There are over 1600 members now in Facebook group.
We could see many beautiful artworks every day, we could give and take many comments,
We saw variety of artworks which were drew with the same prompt, and every artworks are wonderful!
We could know new idea or techniques for drawing , it's so exciting! So many CZTs did Insta live session or Facebook live session , it was a good help to draw.
We can say that we can be going to close this event so successfully, I think.
We can do nothing alone, but we can do anything if we work together. As they say in Zentangle, anything is possible with one stroke at a time, when we walk one step at a time, we can go beyond the imagination.
I'm so happy having such a good experience near 60 years old.